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Staying Connected

St. Mark, home of The Place, is committed to keeping its congregation informed and engaged. The church has also be featured in area media. Special media releases and key communications are also posted here, including congregational favorite, the St. Mark Memo

Christmas Wreath
Youth Wreath Sale

St. Mark Youth held a wreath fundraiser to raise money for their trip to the 2022 ELCA Youth Gathering in Minneapolis, MN. The triennial event offers time for youth to rejoice in God's blessings, share special moments, be inspired by multiple speakers, and join with other youth in strengthening their Christian faith.  

Confirmation 2020

The congregation at St. Mark Lutheran welcomed four young people into the next chapter of their faith journey on Sunday, Oct. 25, though the Rite of Confirmation. Congratulations go to Jackson, Megan, Lily and, Josie, pictured with Pastor Mary Robinson. To see more photos, click here.

Walking for Hunger

Led and organized by two of our members, St. Mark/The Place coordinated a walking fundraising effort to help fill the St. Vincent de Paul tub with money and food. The event took place following worship on Sunday, Oct. 18, in partnership with Cornerstone City Church. The event raised $608 and earned St. Vincent de Paul a $500 donation from the Northeast Thrivent Member Network.

Feeding Those in Need

St. Mark Lutheran Church exceeded expectations on Oct. 17, when it announced that it had collected 600 food items – 100 more than the original goal – to support St. Vincent de Gaul's (SVDG) Soup Kitchen. Volunteers gathered at the church to prep all the items for delivery. The church regularly assists the SVDG, including through multiple ministries such as its Sunday Grab-and-Go meal packing and distribution events that align with all state health and safety guidance.

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Concert Benefits Area Musicians

Staying Connected

St. Mark, home of The Place, is committed to keeping its congregation informed and engaged. The church has also be featured in area media. Special media releases and key communications are also posted here, including congregational favorite, the St. Mark Memo-The Rose

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Holiday Concert 

To celebrate the Christmas season, St. Mark Lutheran Church hosted a special concert at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 18. The highly anticipated event featured the talents of SMLC music director Ian Frenkel, along with St. Mark's Jazz & Gospel Ensemble, which includes SMLC's own Mark McCormick on bass and Chris Odell on drums. The free event was open to all as we prepare for Christ's birth.

Laying of Palms in Chelsea Parade

On Palm Sunday, March 28, 2021, St. Mark Lutheran participate in the Chelsea Parade, which processed down Broadway in Norwich. Holy Scripture was read from Mark 11, and a live donkey helped to lead the participants.  Additionally, palm branches were blessed with all the children singing "Hosanna." Participants then paraded back to St. Mark's for Palm Sunday worship, which was held in-person and will continue to be outdoors moving forward. Local media covered the event.

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The Day: Latest Press

The Day's Norwich Times section recently featured St. Mark Lutheran and its work to build community amid a pandemic and on a daily basis in its hometown.

Christmas Wreath
Youth Wreath Sale

St. Mark Youth held a wreath fundraiser to raise money for their trip to the 2022 ELCA Youth Gathering in Minneapolis, MN. The triennial event offers time for youth to rejoice in God's blessings, share special moments, be inspired by multiple speakers, and join with other youth in strengthening their Christian faith.  

Confirmation 2020

The congregation at St. Mark Lutheran welcomed four young people into the next chapter of their faith journey on Sunday, Oct. 25, though the Rite of Confirmation. Congratulations go to Jackson, Megan, Lily and, Josie, pictured with Pastor Mary Robinson. To see more photos, click here.

Walking for Hunger

Led and organized by two of our members, St. Mark/The Place coordinated a walking fundraising effort to help fill the St. Vincent de Paul tub with money and food. The event took place following worship on Sunday, Oct. 18, in partnership with Cornerstone City Church. The event raised $608 and earned St. Vincent de Paul a $500 donation from the Northeast Thrivent Member Network.

Feeding Those in Need

St. Mark Lutheran Church exceeded expectations on Oct. 17, when it announced that it had collected 600 food items – 100 more than the original goal – to support St. Vincent de Gaul's (SVDG) Soup Kitchen. Volunteers gathered at the church to prep all the items for delivery. The church regularly assists the SVDG, including through multiple ministries such as its Sunday Grab-and-Go meal packing and distribution events that align with all state health and safety guidance.

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Concert Benefits Area Musicians

Committed to providing excellence in music throughout the year, St. Mark Lutheran Church is now taking its passion for music and service to help area musicians through its new Virtual Concert Series on YouTube. Led by distinguished musician and the church's music director Ian Frenkel, St. Mark's Jazz & Gospel Ensemble kicked off the online series in October. Along with Frenkel, the ensemble features the church's own Mark McCormick on bass and Chris Odell on drums.


The inaugural concert also welcomed special guest Robert Tolppi on piano. The church hopes the series helps to raise funds for area musicians whose livelihoods have been deeply impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Donations to support the effort are greatly appreciated. 

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The current issue and the last few editions of the e-newsletter can also be found here.


September 2022

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Media covered the service we held to remember the slain Emanuel 9. Photo courtesy of The Day. Click here to read story.

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